WP plugin V1.3 Event Time broken, and Post Link popup

Worked great in WP 2.8, skipped interim 2.9 builds and upgraded to 2.9.2

Now when on the Calendar page, I click the date to create a new event and the yellow entry form pops up but the time drop-down offers only 12:00am - 1:55am in 5 min increments.

Additionally, the icon in the Post WYSIWYG interface opens a blank window.

Standing by to provide more info if needed.

Pls see http://wordpress.org/support/topic/375883.

Try to locate dhtmlxscheduler.js in plugin’s folder and replace it this the attached one.
dhtmlxscheduler.zip (21 KB)

That works.
Now I get the full time listing on the scheduler, and the bookmark popup works.

I noticed the bookmark popup in posts defaults to the server system time and the calendar defaults to 12:00 am …why the difference?

I also noticed that the bookmark popup ignores php time zone (my server is in Colorado and my visitors are in Connecticut)

Thanks for the fix, is this due to a change between WP2.8 and 2.9?