I’m having an issue when exporting my datas using .toExcel() function.
The problem is that I have Strings (rotxt columns) containing numbers like “00023” but it shows as “23” on excel.
So ,is there a way to indicate or maybe “escape” my String to make it appear with String format on Excel.
It would be better if we could indicate that a column will be in text or number format.
Note for other users:
This version converts every number cells to text using the 'number notation so it comes back to its number value when editing the cell.
Thanks again Stanislav for your help and quick replies
I also got same problem and I am using .Net version. All my string becomes number. I used “ro” column type. I have data like ‘00001’ but data becomes ‘1’ when export to excel. I am using pro version 5.0.
From what I see,the attached one is java version. I am using .net version. Did I miss out anything? Can you please help me attached the latest .net version?