xgrid data editing

I tryed to build an example for a dynamic loaded grid using ASP receiving data from MS SQL Server. To realize it, I modified the sample code, dwnloaded from your web site.

After first modification it works fine. Then I tried to implement data editing with dynamicaly save back data to db. Unfortunately an error appears after loadin the page: “this.obj.setOnEditCellHandler is not a function”. Until now I couldn�t find reason for this error.

>>Then I tried to implement data editing with dynamicaly save back data to db. Unfortunately an error appears after loadin the page: “this.obj.setOnEditCellHandler is not a function”. Until now I couldn�t find reason for this error.

To send data bak to the db you can use dhtmlxDataProcessor dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxG … aprocessor

(avilible only at PRO version)

“this.obj.setOnEditCellHandler is not a function”.
It seems that you are using some old codebase. setOnEditCellHandler method was deprecated in dhtmlxgrid 1.6 in favor of new event system.
You can still use old code but need to include