Hi there, I have the following code:
function saveTree()
var xmlData = tree.serializeTree();
url: "/ajax/process_headings.php"
, type: "POST"
, contentType: "text/xml"
, processData: false
, data: xmlData
, success: function(data){
$xmlData = $_POST['xmlData'];
echo $xmlData;
When I view the post information using firefox’s firebug, I get the following message:
[code]XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location: moz-nullprincipal:{e042c27f-88cb-4605-b717-ce35c7dc6e7c} Line Number 56, Column 7:
hild=“0” im0=“comp.gif” im1=“comp.gif” im2=“comp.gif”/>
Anyone have any idea why this is happening? Seems that there’s a syntax error in the xml but I’m using the xml generated by dhtmlxtree. Maybe I have to escape something?