I wish to know if it’s possible to load data in a Grid in ‘xmlB’ mode with dhtmlx 4.2.
I wish to know if it’s possible to load data in a Grid in ‘xmlB’ mode with dhtmlx 4.2.
Yes, it is still available to load xmlB/xmlA data format in the grid 4.2
If I use dhtmlx 4.2 standard it doesn’t work.
Do I need the pro version?
Unfortunately the extension is available in PRO version only.
I bought the PRO version, but I think there’s a bug using xmlB in Treegrid.
I solved replacing line 52 (dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._process_xmlB method) of dhtmlxgrid_data.js:
return this._process_tree_xml(xml);
whit this:
return this._process_tree_xml(top);
I hope it’s useful.
Thank you for your note.
Your suggestion will be considered.