I am trying to make a drop down menu in the header of my layout. But when the menu drops down no matter what I do it always goes behind the line separator in the layout. Putting a z-index on the line itself don’t work nor does setting the drop down to a very high z-index.
How can I place a div on top of the dhtmlx layout?
The menu should be absolutely positioned and relates to document body
You may use dhtmlxmenu as the ready solution - dhtmlxLayout/samples/03_global/01_menu.html
Thanks. I have the menu positioned absolutely above the layout and z-index of 99999. and its still is behind the layout.
Unfortunately I cant use the dhtmlx menu because its not a dropdown menu like this: webresourcesdepot.com/slidin … th-jquery/
everything works. Its just the menu wont lay above the dhtmlx layout.
I figured it out. The fix was to place the menu outside and above the layout.