can you specify what have you tried to do and what have gone wrong?
There is no specific article on attaching the scheduler, but you may check the API reference on .attachScheduler method docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtm … hscheduler
According to this, you can attach a completely configured scheduler(and it’s base markup) to the layout cell.
Here is my code for the timeline that I am attempting to attach to a layout. I am sure there are some fundamentals that I am missing and that the answer will be fairly simple.
scheduler.init initializes standalone scheduler, layout_cell.attachScheduler will place scheduler container(‘scheduler_here’ div) inside the layout cell and then will trigger initialization
Timeline seems not be working with Suite 7
please see the following example. The first 2 schedulers (I’ve used Scheduler.getSchedulerInstance() are inside of a layout, and the last 2 schedulers (are in fact exactly the same schedulers) outside of the layout. Also after calling setCurrentView() didn’t change anything.
Any idea?!