BUG in DHTMLX generated css for Forms

when you create a form there is an undefined in the form DIV styles

<div class="dhx_widget dhx_layout dhx_layout-rows undefined dhx_form" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; flex: 1 1 auto; padding: 8px;" role="form">


please advise

Thank you for your report. The problem was confirmed.
We’ll try to fix it in one of the future updates.
For now as a workaround I can suggest you to add an empty css class to your form by default:

const formData = {
    css: "", // like this one
    "type": "input",
    "label": "User Name:",
    "labelPosition": "left",
    "required": true,
    "css": "username",
    "name": "username"
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We fixed your reported problem in the latest dhx.Suite update (v8.1.4.)
You can test it in your original snippet.
Thank you for your report.
Please, download the latest available dhx.Suite build to get this fix.
Best regards.

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brilliant… thanks mate :smiley: thanks to the team also :metal:

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