Hi I’m trying to build a function that creates a modal window and attaches a form to it dynamically, so I can just call it when ever I need a modal with a form attached.
The issue is that I cant get form controls loaded via the dhx.ajax.get() function
function newFormWindow(formName,width,height,icon,title,_url){
var win = formName+"Window";
var form = formName+"Form";
if (this[win]) {
this[win] = new dhx.Window({
title: title,
width: width,
height: height,
modal: true,
resizable: false,
movable: false,
icon: icon,
css: win
dhx.ajax.get("/data/forms/test.json").then(function (data) {
this[form] = new dhx.Form(this[win], data)
this[form].events.on("click", function(name, event) {
console.log(name, event);
The modal window loads and the form HTML div is inserted into it but no controls are added to the form.
Below is the JSON contained in the test.json file
"type": "input",
"label": "User Name:",
"labelPosition": "left",
"required": true,
"css": "username",
"name": "username"
"type": "input",
"align": "right",
"inputType": "password",
"label": "Password:",
"labelPosition": "left",
"required": true,
"css": "password",
"name": "password"
"type": "button",
"id": "loginbutton",
"name": "loginbutton",
"text": "login",
"size": "medium",
"view": "flat",
"position": "right",
"submit": true,
"color": "primary",
"css": "loginButton"
PLEASE HELP Any ideas ???