Colspan and enableSmartRendering


Is it possible to activate colspan with enableSmartRendering and dhtmlXGridFromTable?

I believe that doesn’t exist great problems because it is the same line.

I understand that the rowspan is much more complicated.

Best regards,


Both modes compatible and can work in same time ( unfortunately there is no online samples, but there are known working implementation of such behavior )


It follows a simple test enclosed.

Only 3 lines exist with colspan, lines of total.

Colspan with dhtmlXGridFromTable and enableSmartRendering don’t work!

Which is my mistake???

Best regards,

CHW (44.2 KB)

As I mentioned previously, in case of loading from HTML table feature works not so smoothly.
Please try to use attached js file instead of original one - with it colspans must be taken from source table correctly.
Also during grid init colspans must be enabled.

<TABLE id=“gridbox” name=“mygrid” class=“dhtmlxGrid” onbeforeinit=“mygrid.enableSmartRendering(true);mygrid.enableColSpan(true)”  … (1.77 KB)


He got better.

But in the rows with colspan the last column is not formatted correctly!

See the previous example. Put mygrid.enableColSpan(true) in <TABLE.
Example in the last row “Total Geral”, last column is not formatted correctly

Best regards,



Test above done in the IE version 6.

I tested, the example, in the Mozilla Firefox version

Incorrect formatting in all the grid.

Best regards,


I tested, the example, in the Mozilla Firefox version
When previously attached file used, and enableColSpan command executed the layout and colspans correct in both browsers.
The TD coloring differs, but while importing from Table grid preservs the cell values, but it ignores used cell attributes ( such as bgColor ) - this is expected behavior.