dhtmlxScheduler 3.5 Beta version [New White skin included!]

Assign single event to several users (resources/sections)?

Kind regards,



Unfortunately it won’t work this way.

Kind regards,


but what is the multiselect option for then?

Is there a workaround or something for that issue as that is really important for me?



Multiselect works correctly. You can select several values and they will be saved and displayed.

At the same time timeline view is configured to check “map_to” property and expects to see there id of one of the resources (not the list of them).
For example Section A has id = “1” and event.section_id = “1,2,5,89”, that’s not the same thing at all.

It should be possible to customize this. If this is crucial part of your project please contact us - sales [at] dhtmlx.com to get an estimate.

Kind regards,

Will there be or is there support for dynamically loading the marked sections? Like with a load mode. Just like you can load the events dynamically.

Currently I’m running a custom solution based on blockTime for showing workshifts and it dynamically loads workshifts when you switch week or day. Had some issues getting them rendering properly. It seems like marked sections will be able to do the same thing, though with official support and probably more options/stable code and documentation(when released) :stuck_out_tongue:

Reason to not use blockTime is because we want to be able to have events outside of the workshift and rather show the working hours than non-working. Also there can be several different shifts/sections with different meaning (styles/colors).


It can be done with a bit of custom code from your side. Then you enable dynamic events you can use same FROM and TO values to fetch relevant timetable information and pass it with OptionsConnector.

What kind of issues?

It would be more clear from documentation (which is not here yet) but actually blockTime and addMarkedTimespan are the same thing.
In the 3.0 version we’ve added blockTime to block certain time sections and in this version we’ve made everything more flexible and introduced addMarkedTimespan. Now actually inside blockTime function we simply call addMarkedTimespan:

scheduler.blockTime = function(days, zones, sections){ var options = get_resulting_options(days, zones, sections); return scheduler.addMarkedTimespan(options); };
You can also make any section blocking by simply adding following to it’s options (if you use object to create it):

... type: "dhx_time_block", ...
Kind regards,

Issues rendering was mostly because due to the way I loaded them they would be added after the calendar was rendered. Forcing me to re-render the calendar.
However this was all done on 3.0.

Just updated to the latest Eval version on the .NET version which included the 3.5 codebase. To get rid of the double december month bug. Broke some of my current implementation. So I’ll try to work with the new mark addMarkedTimespan!

The mobile scheduler is delivered in a separate package. Here is the link to download the latest update:
dhtmlx.com/x/download/regula … mobile.zip

Is it possible to select a period of time, over multiple days in the week view?
For example, you start with the mouse on Thursday,08:00 on the 28th of June and drag to Saturday, 8:00 on the 30th of June.
Current implementation shows only an agenda event on the 28th.

Thanks in advance,

Sybren de Hartog

Can I add several MarkedTimespans on the same day with different styles?
If so how do I do this?
If not? Can you support this?

What I tested now I either have to add all the zones in the same addMarkedTimespans, but then I’m forced to have to same style?
Using addMarkedTimespans several times on the same day will only show the last one.

Either please support addMarkedTimespans() several times on the same day.
Or support inputting an array of styles where first style would be for first zone and so on.
Preferably this should be done with the html option as well so you can have different content on the zones.

Unfortunately for now it’s not possible.

Best regards,

Looking at the code it seems like you got something in the works for adding more zones to an existing zone set. So I am hoping for the best! :slight_smile:

Yes, you can.
Grab updated beta build and then edit 10/03 sample:

scheduler.addMarkedTimespan({start_date: new Date(2012, 7, 6, 0), end_date: new Date(2012, 7, 6, 10), css: "red_section" }); scheduler.addMarkedTimespan({start_date: new Date(2012, 7, 6, 11), end_date: new Date(2012, 7, 6, 18), css: "fat_lines_section" });
Kind regards,

Updated and test and it works :slight_smile:

If I add these in dynamically what would be the best way to update the view?

As when I click back and forth several times (switching week) they will add on top of each other. As I am adding them on view change, will there be some logic to prevent this or wasn’t there that already? (Prevention of adding the exact same zone twice)

Since I am using the onBeforeViewChange or onViewChange I could use ajax and then call update_view() but that rerenders the whole calendar doesnt it? Seems like bad practice.

I could use onBeforeViewChange and do the ajax request synchronously but they are removing that option in jQuery 1.8 so I suppose that’s also bad practice. Sure we could stay on jQuery 1.7.2 but I believe someone will update it sooner or later :stuck_out_tongue:

What would you recommend? :slight_smile:

Any chance you could post a non minified version as well? :slight_smile:

Do you have an ETA on this release?
Many thanks.

  1. We have scheduler.markTimespan(options); function which would simply mark timespan. It’s not persistent, that means then you leave view or refresh it - it is gone.
  2. You can delete marked timespans:
    You can use id (returned by addMarkedTimespans), config options or nothing at all (everything will be deleted).

It’s there. Check out sources/ext/limit.js

Don’t want to put my foot in my mouth here but I believe 2-4 weeks.

Kind regards,

My bad facepalm :blush:

markTimespan works :slight_smile:

Although, when resizing the window the markTimespan will also disappear!
Hmm :\