Grid content disappears in Internet Explorer 11


I found the following: when you enable client sorting in dhtmlx Grid on Internet Explorer 11 and try to sort by clicking the column’s header - all the content disappears. I applied IE11 patch, but it did not solve the issue. Any ideas?

unfortunately the issue cannot be reproduced locally.
Please, provide with a complete demo or a demo link, where the issue can be reconstructed.

Please look here:
All works fine everywhere except IE11 on Windows 8.1.

Please, try to add sizes to your html body in case of attaching the layout to the it:

<style> html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden; } </style>

I am facing the same issue that my grid contents are disappears while sorting from client side.I added sizes to my HTML body ,but it did not solve the issue.Any ideas??

I too am having this trouble. Any suggestions?

I am having exactly the same problem. User sorting causes the issue, as does code triggered sorting using this code:


I have applied the hotfix to version 3.6 build 130619.

Unfortunately the issue cannot be reproduced locally.
If issue still occurs for you - please, provide with a demo link or a complete demo, where the issue can be reconstructed.

If anyone found a solution to this, please do share it with all of us. I still haven’t found the time to make a reproduction demo and am asking my customers to view our site in compatibility mode in IE11 at the moment.

Unfortunately the issue not reproduces on our side.
Please, make sure that you have included all js files from the hot fix and they are not duplicating your old js files.
In case of using the complex dhtmlx.js file note that you should use or a complex file or individual js libraries. These two ways shouldn’t be messed.

I am using the compled dhtmlx.js file and my link I gave in the begining is a good example. Still not resolved.

klysiak, in your application dhtmlx.js file does not contain the hotfix for IE11.
Please, update your dhtmlx version.

Thank you sematik. After downloading the newest version of the whole package and after compilation to single dhtmlx.js file all works correctly now.

I’m having the same issue. I currently have dhtmlxGrid Pro build 131108. I have ie11_hotfix 131023. Should I replace dhtmlxcommon.js with the hotfix version? Anything else to replace?

When I do, it does not seem to resolve the problem where content disappears.

The first sort action makes all content disappear, but generates no errors. The second sort action raises this exception in the console: “Unable to get property ‘_cellType’ of undefined or null reference”


I currently have dhtmlxGrid Pro build 131108
Your current version of dhtmlxgrid is already have the hotFix for IE11.

If issue still occurs for you, please, provide with a complete demo or a demo link, where the issue can be reconstructed.

Thank you, Sematik. While I was building an example environment I discovered that my version of dhtmlxscheduler.js was interfering with the dhtmlxgrid.js.

By moving the scheduler to the beginning of the load order on the page I was able to fix my problem. Is this a known issue? Is it possible my copy of dhtmlxsheduler is out of date?

Unfortunately such feature exists now, as the IE11 hotfix is not released officially. But we’re working on it.
Please, try to download the dhtmlxSheduler by the following link: …

Can we apply hot fix in version v.3.5 build 120731 for IE11?

Hi please guide me to migrate 3.5 to 4.0.3 version of dhtmlxgrid

The guide is similar to the following one: