Loading Form controls via ajax.get not working - Suite 8

Hi I’m trying to build a function that creates a modal window and attaches a form to it dynamically, so I can just call it when ever I need a modal with a form attached.

The issue is that I cant get form controls loaded via the dhx.ajax.get() function

function newFormWindow(formName,width,height,icon,title,_url){
    var win     = formName+"Window";
    var form    = formName+"Form";

    if (this[win]) {

    this[win] = new dhx.Window({
            title: title,
            width: width,
            height: height,            
            modal: true,
            resizable: false,
            movable: false,
            icon: icon,
            css: win


    dhx.ajax.get("/data/forms/test.json").then(function (data) {
        this[form] = new dhx.Form(this[win], data)
        this[form].events.on("click", function(name, event) {
            console.log(name, event);

The modal window loads and the form HTML div is inserted into it but no controls are added to the form.

Below is the JSON contained in the test.json file

        "type": "input",
        "label": "User Name:",
        "labelPosition": "left",
        "required": true,
        "css": "username",
        "name": "username"
        "type": "input",
        "align": "right",
        "inputType": "password",
        "label": "Password:",
        "labelPosition": "left",
        "required": true,
        "css": "password",
        "name": "password"
        "type": "button",
        "id": "loginbutton",
        "name": "loginbutton",
        "text": "login",
        "size": "medium",
        "view": "flat",
        "position": "right",
        "submit": true,
        "color": "primary",
        "css": "loginButton"

PLEASE HELP :sob: Any ideas ???

if you’re attaching a dhtmlx component to a dhtmlx cell (layout/win/tabbar…) you should not define a container for this component in its constructor and use null instead:
this[form] = new dhx.Form(null, data)

@sematik - I tried your suggestion but It didn’t work.
I get no errors and no form in the modal window.

All i see in the html is this…

<div class="dhx_widget dhx_layout dhx_layout-columns undefined dhx_form" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; flex: 1 1 auto; padding: 8px;" role="form"></div>

I noticed that there is an “undefined” in the class section… has that something to do with it…?

I just did a test in Code Snippets without dhx.ajax.get() and it does the same thing…


The controls layout was not defined in your form config:

sorry about that :crazy_face:

now when moving the formData object to an external file and using dhx.ajax.get() again
I needed to put double quotes around the word "rows": for it to work.

Thank you @sematik

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Ok… This is getting into the realms of craziness…
For those reading along you must not forget to,

SET THE Content-Type in the header before you output your JSON if working with PHP

header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');

Arrrrrrrggggg, cant believe it took so long to remember something so simple.
Version 4 & 5 worked fine with output of JSON as a string but not 8.

Maybe this little titbit of information could be added to the docs somewhere :hot_face: :crazy_face: :woozy_face: