No scrollbars in chrome when using getCombo() in dhtmlxGrid


I’m using dhtmlx 3.6.

when I use getCombo in dhxmlxGrid, there’s no scrollbar in chrome. :astonished:
But firefox shows scrollbar in getCombo();

Here’s the source.

  combo3 = mygrid.getCombo(3);

  combo3.put("A0101", "Appearance");
  combo3.put("A0201", "H/W(NUT)");
  combo3.put("A0202", "H/W(BOLT)");
  combo3.put("A0203", "H/W(ETC)");
  combo3.put("A0301", "P/J WELD");
  combo3.put("A0302", "SPOT WELD");
  combo3.put("A0303", "CO2 WELD");
  combo3.put("A0601", "Painting");
  combo3.put("A0401", "Number of HOLE ★");
  combo3.put("A0501", "TOOL´G HOLE Dimensions 1 ★");
  combo3.put("A0502", "TOOL´G HOLE Dimensions 2 ★");
  combo3.put("A0503", "TOOL´G HOLE Dimensions 3 ★");
  combo3.put("A0504", "TOOL´G HOLE Dimensions 4 ★");
  combo3.put("A0505", "TOOL´G HOLE Dimensions 5 ★");
  combo3.put("A0701", "Dimensions 1");
  combo3.put("A0702", "Dimensions 2");
  combo3.put("A0703", "Dimensions 3");
  combo3.put("A0704", "Dimensions 4");
  combo3.put("A0705", "Dimensions 5");
  combo3.put("A0706", "Dimensions 6");
  combo3.put("A0707", "Dimensions 7");
  combo3.put("A0708", "Dimensions 8");
  combo3.put("A0709", "Dimensions 9");
  combo3.put("A0710", "Dimensions 10");
  combo4 = mygrid.getCombo(4);

  combo4.put("B0101", "Macroscopic");
  combo4.put("B0201", "Marker pen");
  combo4.put("B0301", "Torque wrench");
  combo4.put("B0302", "Disconnect tester");
  combo4.put("B0303", "Hammer and Chisel");
  combo4.put("B0501", "V/C");
  combo4.put("B0601", "Coating thickness gauge");
  combo4.put("B0701", "GAP Ruler");
  combo4.put("B0702", "Dial gauge");

That issue was confirmed and fixed. The fix will be included in the future versions of dhtmlxgrid.

Please, try to add the following css to your page:

dhx_combo_select{ overflow:auto !important; }

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Hi sematik. I’m getting the same issue but I’ve only recently downloaded dhtmlxgrid. Any ideas?

Please, try to add the css from my previous post on your page.
dhx_combo_select{overflow:auto !important;}
Also you may open ticket at to get the latest build containing the same fix.